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Status:NP(TV) ID:300265673 Record Type:Hierarchy name
Living Organisms 活體有機體
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Note :
The Living Organisms hierarchy consists of descriptors for plants and animals intended for cataloging art, architecture, and related disciplines. It is not comprehensive: it is currently only a skeleton upon which the hierarchy may grow over time through contributions (to contribute, write to Records include common names as well as scientific names for plants and animals, where appropriate (e.g., "Canis lupus" and "gray wolves"). Note that this hierarchy does not duplicate scientific taxonomies: it includes levels and records that are inappropriate for a scientific taxonomy but are necessary for the target audience of the AAT, which is the art and architectural history cataloging community. The hierarchy combines living and extinct animals and plants, animals or plants by location and context (e.g., "waterfowl"), common names (e.g., "zebra") that have no direct counterpart in a scientific taxonomy because they do not correspond to a single species or genus, groups of animals (e.g., "flocks"), components of animals (e.g., "paws"), and other divisions that are not part of a scientific taxonomy. Levels in the scientific taxonomic tree occasionally may be omitted. Records for animals or plants may be linked through Associative Relationships to records for the products derived from them, particularly when the product is unique and used to produce architecture or art (e.g., "vellum"). The preferred scientific names and the basic underlying structure of the AAT hierarchies are usually derived from encyclopedia and other authoritative general reference sources rather than the most recent scientific taxonomies: taxonomic classifications have been in flux since the 1980s and many competing classifications exist, some based on traditional morphological evidence and others on analyses of molecular data. It is out of scope for the AAT to reflect the most current developments in this field.
Terms :
Living Organisms(P,,U,English-P,D,U,NA)
活體有機體(P,,U,Chinese (traditional)-P,D,,)
huo t'i yu chi t'i (P,,U,Chinese (transliterated Wade-Giles)-P,UF,U,U)
huó tǐ yǒu jī tǐ (P,,U,Chinese (transliterated Hanyu Pinyin)-P,UF,U,U)
huo ti you ji ti (P,,U,Chinese (transliterated Pinyin without tones)-P,UF,U,U)
Facet/Hierarchy Code: H
Hierarchical Position:
Additional Notes :
Chinese (traditional)....「活體有機體」層級包含為藝術、建築或其它學科編目收錄用之植物或動物類描述語。本層級目前尚不夠完整,而僅有初步的骨架,然而本層級預期藉由使用者貢獻相關描述語,其完整度會隨時間更形完備(如您欲提供相關描述語,請email至。本層級收錄之描述語包括動植物俗名及學名,例如「犬屬灰狼」及「灰狼」等。特別說明本層級並非完全複製科學的分類法,而是涵括了不適用於科學分類法但對本藝術與建築索引典而言為必要之描述語,也就是說這些描述語是能被歸納於藝術與建築類社群中的。因而,本層級中描述語之類別不僅有現存和巳滅絕之動植物,也有依位置和背景(例如「水鳥」)區分之動植物,以及於科學分類法中無直接對應的俗名物種如斑馬,又或是某些無法與任何單一物種、生物屬、動物群(如「羊群」)、動物的某個組件要素(例如「爪」)及其它不兼容於科學分類法而無法與之相對應的描述語,均為本層級描述語涵蓋之範疇。所謂動植物相關的描述語與其衍生產物間或有聯結關係,特別是當該產物是獨為建築或藝術目的所使用(例如「羊皮紙」)。本藝術與建築索引典所用之學名及基本架構來源傾向採用自百科全書或其它權威參考資料,而非最近代的科學分類標準。生物學分類法自80年代起歷經多次流變,因而存在著各流派的分類法,其中有些是根據傳統形態學的證據來進行分類,有些則是以生物分子結構分析為依據,與生物學分類法之最新發展的相關議題並不在本索引典討論的範疇裡。
Sources and Contributors:
活體有機體............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 國家教育研究院-雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 July 31, 2009
External Links:
[Living Organisms 活體有機體(編號300265673)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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