distinguished from.... | 聖物箱(聖餐儀式容器) |
distinguished from.... | 波肅堡 |
英文.... | Structures or large furnishings in which devotion is paid to a statue, picture, saint, deity or other holy objects. For containers for safeguarding the relics of a saint, use "reliquaries". |
荷蘭語.... | Plaatsen waar aanbidding plaatsvindt van een beeld, afbeelding, heilige, heiligheid of andere gewijde objecten. Gebruik 'reliquiaria' voor houders voor het bewaren van relikwieën van heiligen. |
西班牙語.... | Lugar en el que se da culto a una estatua, pintura, santo, deidad u otros objetos sagrados. Para contenedores destinados a salvaguardar las reliquias de un santo, use "relicario". |
聖祠(結構物)............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 世界建築經典圖鑑 339 |
聖地(結構物)............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 朗文當代大辭典 1623 |
................. | 建築學英漢辭典 380 |
神龕(結構物)............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 朗文當代大辭典 1623 |
................. | 建築學英漢辭典 380 |
神社(結構物)............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | AAT-Taiwan 借詞編輯與使用原則 (2013) |
shrines(structures)............ | [VP] |
................. | Adkins, Thesaurus of British Archaeology (1982) IND; shrines |
................. | Roberts, Construction Industry Thesaurus (1976) 121; shrines |
................. | Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (1975) shrines |
................. | Harris, Historic Architecture Sourcebook (1977) shrines |
................. | CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) shrines |
................. | RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) shrines |
................. | RILA, Subject Headings (1975-1990) shrines |
................. | Canadian Thesaurus of Construction Science and Technology (1978) shrines |
................. | Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) shrines |
................. | Avery Index (1963-) (source AAT); shrines |
................. | AATA database (1995-) 128771 checked 26 January 2012 |
................. | Nomenclature 3.0 for Museum Cataloging (2010) |
shrine(structure)............ | [VP] |
................. | Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988) |
sanctuaries(shrines)............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
heiligdommen............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
heiligdom............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
santuarios(estructura)............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | Comité, Plural del término en singular |
santuario(estructura)............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | The Oxford- Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary (1995) 1569 |
Subject:............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) Sanctuaries, shrines |
................. | RILA, Subject Headings (1975-1990) precoor.; Gothic shrines; Medieval shrines |
................. | AATA database (1995-) 128771 checked 26 January 2012 |
................. | Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) |
................. | Van Dale Engels-Nederlands (1989) |