Palilin is a Kavalan family worship of ancestors held by female seniors during the new year celebration. In the tribe of Paterongan, Palilin takes on two forms known as the Kavalan and Torbuwan.
The Kavalan-style palilin takes place at midnight on a date selected from December 26 to 28, with offerings including rak (“wine”) and sukue (“new year pastry”). Three rounds of libation should be poured, and the sukue is to be broken into smaller pieces while the prayer is being said as an act of offering. If there is a family member or friend visiting the household, the visitor should be invited to make his or her share of offering known as paspaw.
The Torbuwan –style palilin underscores fasting and abstaining from sex. Spring onion, garlic, fish and pork are prohibited during this period. Before the ritual, the hostess should butcher a cock with a loud voice without shedding its blood as the sacrifice; on the following day only seaweed and fruits are allowed for consumption before noon. The cock may be eaten after the ritual is over.
The difference between the two styles reflects the migration and evolution that the Kavalan culture has gone through, while both styles highlight continuity and sharing of blessing and good health through celebrating the new year.
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[祭祖儀式 palilin(編號300438760)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。