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狀態:NP 編號:300227802 詞彙類型:概念
山形斜紋織物 chevron twill
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範圍註 :
詞彙 :
chevron twill(P,,U,英文-偏好,D,U,N)
chevron weave(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
twill, chevron(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
twill, waved(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
waved twill(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
weave, chevron(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
sarga chevron(P,,U,西班牙語-偏好,D,U,U)
sarga de espiga(,U,西班牙語-非偏好,AD,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: M.MT

........材料 (材料層面)
其他範圍註 :
英文....Any form of twill in which the direction of the diagonal lines is reversed over groups of picks, or over groups of ends.
荷蘭語....Elke keperstof waarbij de richting van de diagonale lijnen wordt omgekeerd in groepjes inslagdraden of in groepjes scheringdraden, waardoor een visgraatpatroon ontstaat.
西班牙語....Cualquier forma de sarga en la cual la dirección de las líneas diagonales es revertida sobre grupos de golpes de lanzadera o sobre grupos de extremos.
chevron twill............ [VP]
................. CIETA, Vocabulary of Technical Terms: Fabrics, 2d ed., (1964) 7
................. Geijer, History of Textile Art (1982) 44
................. Becker, Pattern and Loom (1987) ind
................. Burnham, Warp and Weft (1980) 23
chevron weave............ [VP]
................. Linton, Modern Textile and Apparel Dictionary (1973) 99
................. Wingate, Fairchild's Dictionary of Textiles, 6th ed. (1979) 124
twill, chevron............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
twill, waved............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
waved twill............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
weave, chevron............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
chevron............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
chevrons............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
sarga chevron............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. TAA database (2000-) 
sarga de espiga............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Elsevier Textile Dictionary (1979) 58
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. Burnham, Keep Me Warm (1972) 58; chevron twills
................. Emery, Primary Structure of Fabrics (1966) ind; chevron
................. Grosicki, Watson's Advanced Textile Design and colour, 7th ed. (1975) 40; waved twills
................. Gorp & Hombergen,Textielwaren (1974) 
[山形斜紋織物 chevron twill(編號300227802)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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