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狀態:NP(TV) 編號:300056257 詞彙類型:概念
裝飾(過程) decoration(process)
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範圍註 :
詞彙 :
裝飾(過程) (P,,U,繁體中文-偏好,D,U,U)
chuang shih (P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
zhuāng shì (P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
zhuang shi (P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
decoration(process) (P,,U,英文-偏好,D,U,U)
decoración(proceso) (P,,U,西班牙語-偏好,D,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: K.KT
distinguished from....裝飾品(具裝飾性的形式)
其他範圍註 :
英文....The process of embellishing architecture, furniture, or other objects. In reference to specific forms of decoration, such as fluting, finials, or monograms, that embellish and are part of the building or object, but are not structurally essential to it, use "ornaments."
荷蘭語....Te gebruiken voor methoden en technieken toegepast om bouwwerken, meubels of andere objecten te verfraaien. Gebruik 'ornamenten' voor de verfraaiingen zelf, zoals cannelures, fioelen of monogrammen, als onderdelen van het gebouw of object die niet essentieel zijn voor de constructie ervan.
西班牙語....Úsese para el enfoque global y la técnica de embellecer la arquitectura, mobiliario u otros objetos. Use "ornamento" en referencia a formas específics, tales como acanaladuras, remates o monogramas, que embellecen y son parte de un edificio u objeto, pero no son estructuras esenciales o fundantes.
裝飾(過程)............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 國家教育研究院-雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 March 5, 2012
................. 智慧藏百科全書網 March 5, 2012
decoration(process)............ [VP]
................. Jewett, Glossary for Recording the Condition of an Artifact (1980s) decoration
................. RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) decoration
................. Sturgis, Dictionary of Architecture and Building (1902) decoration
................. Worcester Art Museum Library, List of subject headings, unpub. (1976) decoration
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
decorated............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
decorating............ [VP]
................. Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) 
decoreren............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
decoratie............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
gedecoreerd............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
decoración(proceso)............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Moliner, Diccionario de uso del español (2004) I:872
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. Jewett, Glossary for Recording the Condition of an Artifact (1980s) Decorate
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) "decoration and ornament"
................. RILA, Subject Headings (1975-1990) 
................. Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) 29; Decorate
................. Avery Index (1963-) 
................. Terraroli, Italian Art Ceramics: 1900-1950 (2007) 229
................. Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) 
[裝飾(過程) decoration(process)(編號300056257)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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