英文.... | Field of history concerned with topics that are distinctly localized in subject matter and source materials, generally covering specific neighborhoods, communities, counties or other specific subdivisions of larger geopolitical bodies. |
荷蘭語.... | Gebied binnen de geschiedenis dat qua onderwerp en bronmaterialen duidelijk is beperkt tot een bepaalde plaats; beslaat over het algemeen specifieke buurten, gemeenschappen, graafschappen of andere specifieke onderverdelingen van grotere geopolitieke eenheden. |
西班牙語.... | Campo de la historia relacionada con asuntos específicos en materias temáticas y material de investigación, generalmente cubren vecindarios, comunidades, condados específicos u otras subdivisiones específicas de divisiones geopolíticas mayores. |
地方史( 學科)............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 國家教育研究院-雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 March 27, 2014 |
local history(discipline)............ | [VP] |
................. | Blackwell Dictionary of Historians (1988) local history |
................. | Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (1990) local history |
................. | Felt, Researching...Local History (1981) IND, defined as type of history on p. xi; local history |
................. | Gilbert and Graubard, Historical Studies Today (1971) 300; local history |
................. | History News (1940-) Vol. 4, No. 6, 8; local history |
................. | CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) local history |
................. | Oxford English Dictionary (1989) local history |
................. | Parker, Local History (1944) TITL, and throughout text; local history |
................. | Russo, Keepers of our Past (1988) 205, and throughout text; local history |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
................. | Dictionarium Museologicum (1986) local history |
................. | AATA database (1995-) 160561 checked 26 January 2012 |
history, local(discipline)............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
streekgeschiedenis............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
lokale geschiedenis............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
historia local(disciplina)............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | Burguière, Diccionario de Ciencias Históricas (1991) 688 |
................. | Enciclopaedia Brittanica Publishers (1994) 8:1 |
Subject:............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AATA database (1995-) 160561 checked 26 January 2012 |
................. | Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) |