英文.... | Swords that play a part in public state or civic ceremonies or rituals, being variously worn, carried, or presented, as symbols of honor or power. |
荷蘭語.... | Zwaarden die een rol spelen in openbare staatsaangelegenheden of officiële ceremonies of rituelen en die afwisselend op het lichaam of in de hand worden gedragen, of worden overhandigd als symbolen van eer of macht. |
西班牙語.... | Espadas que juegan un rol en ceremonias oficiales o cívicas, o rituales, siendo a veces usadas, otras veces portadas, o presentadas, como símbolos de honor o poder. |
儀式劍............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | AAT-Taiwan 借詞編輯與使用原則 (2013) |
ceremonial swords............ | [VP] |
................. | Blair, European and American Arms (1962) 5 |
................. | Diagram Group, Weapons (1980) illustration, 55 |
................. | Northern, Ornate Implement (1981) illustration, 33, catalogue entries # 121-27. |
................. | Oakeshott, Sword in the Age of Chivalry (1965) 32 |
................. | Spring, African Arms and Armor (1993) illustration, 52, ill. p. 53 and elsewhere in book |
................. | Tarassuk and Blair, Complete Encyclopedia of Arms and Armor (1979) illustration, 474 |
ceremonial sword............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
ritual sword............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
ritual swords............ | [VP] |
................. | Personal Communication suggested lead-in at scholarly review 10/13/92. |
state sword............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
state swords............ | [VP] |
................. | Spring, African Arms and Armor (1993) illustration, 56 |
sword, ceremonial............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
sword, ritual............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
swords, ceremonial............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
swords, ritual............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
swords, state............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
sword, state............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
ceremoniële zwaarden............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
ceremonieel zwaard............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
espadas ceremoniales............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
espada ceremonial............ | [VP] |
................. | Diccionario de la Lengua española de la Real Academia Española (1984) I:589 |
Subject:............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | Bureau AAT, RKD |