英文.... | Describes works created by the inhabitants of the Austral Islands. Body decoration was very popular with the people of the Austral Islands, specifically shell jewelry, necklaces, grass skirts, earrings, and breast ornaments made from pearl shells combined with string made of human hair. They also created highly crafted sculpture and carved artwork. |
荷蘭語.... | Beschrijft werken die zijn vervaardigd door de bewoners van het eiland Austral. Lichaamsdecoraties waren zeer populair onder de bevolking van de Austral eilanden, met name schelpensieraden, halskettingen, grasrokjes, oorringen en borstornamenten van pareloesterschelpen in combinatie met een streng van menselijk haar. Ook vervaardigden ze zeer verfijnde beeldhouwwerken en kunstzinnig beeldsnijwerk. |
西班牙語.... | Describe obras creadas por los habitantes de las Islas Australes. La decoración corporal fue muy popular dentro de los habitantes de las Islas Australes, especialmente adornos de conchas, collares, faldas vegetales, aros y ornamentos pectorales realizados de conchas de perlas combinadas con cordel hecho de cabello humano. Ellos también crearon escultura de alta calidad y objetos de arte tallados. |
南方群島............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 智慧藏百科全書網 July 16, 2012 |
................. | 大英百科全書線上繁體中文版 July 16, 2012 |
................. | 遠流字典通 May 5, 2015 |
土布艾群島............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 大英百科全書線上繁體中文版 July 16, 2012 |
土布爾群島............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 智慧藏百科全書網 July 16, 2012 |
Austral Islands............ | [VP] |
................. | LC Subject Authority Headings [online] (2002-) NAFL88155907, accessed 14 August 2008 |
................. | Grove Art Online (2008-) accessed 14 August 2008 |
................. | Kerchache, Sculptures (2001) 317 |
Austral Island............ | [VP] |
................. | Buehler et al., Art of the South Sea Islands (1962) 241 |
................. | Linton and Wingert, Arts of the South Seas (1946) 22 |
................. | Art of Oceania, Africa, and the Americas (1969) 21 |
................. | Polynesia, Iconography of the Pacific (1960s) |
................. | Sieber et al., African, Pacific and Pre-Columbian Art (1986) 50 |
................. | Wingert, Primitive Art (1962) 397 |
Tubuai Island............ | [VP] |
................. | Dodd, Ring of Fire (1967) Vol. 1, 368 |
................. | Polynesia, Iconography of the Pacific (1960s) |
Austral eilanden............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
Islas Australes............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | Diccionario Enciclopédico. Nuevo Espasa Calpe Ilustrado. 2000 (1999) 1374 |
Subject:............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | Winkler Prins Atlas (1987) |