distinguished from.... | 瀝青(焦油) |
英文.... | Thick, viscous, brown or black, inflammable liquid residue resulting from the partial evaporation or distillation of wood (such as pine, fir, or larch), sugar, tobacco, peat, coal, or other organic substance. It contains hydrocarbons, resins, alcohols, and other compounds; it has a heavy resinous or bituminous odor. It is used as an antiseptic, for coating asphalt roads, preserving timber, caulk on wooden sailing ships, waterproofing for roofing papers, insecticide, in disinfectant soaps. Some tars, such as those obtained from pine or beech wood, have been mixed with linseed oil to form a dark brown glaze and for other purposes. |
荷蘭語.... | Een dik, stroperig, bruinachtig tot zwart asfaltresidu dat ontstaat door de gedeeltelijke verdamping of destillatie van petroleum of andere koolwaterstoffen op asfaltbasis of van hout; de samenstelling ervan varieert. |
西班牙語.... | Residuo asfáltico grueso y viscoso de color marrón a negro que proviene de la evaporación o destilación parcial del petróleo u otros hidrocarburos de base asfáltica, o de la madera. Su composición es variable. |