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狀態:NP(TV) 編號:300011916 詞彙類型:概念
硬木材 hardwood
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範圍註 :
詞彙 :
ying mu ts'ai (P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
yìng mù cái (P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
ying mu cai (P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
bois de feuillu(P,,U,法語-偏好,D,U,N)
bois dur(,U,法語-非偏好,UF,U,N)
bois franc(,U,法語-非偏好,UF,U,N)
madera dura(P,,U,西班牙語-偏好,D,U,U)
madera noble(,U,西班牙語-非偏好,AD,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: M.MT

........材料 (材料層面)
................................木材 (植物材料)
distinguished from....軟木材
其他範圍註 :
英文....Wood produced from broad-leaved deciduous trees, varying widely in color and grain pattern; usually but not always harder than softwood. Examples of hardwood trees are ash, beech, birch, cherry, mahogany, maple, oak, poplar, and walnut. Hardwood trees are found in temperate and tropical climate zones. Most of the wood used for cabinetry, furniture and flooring is obtained from hardwood trees; only a small amount of hardwood is used for paper pulp. The term hardwood is somewhat confusing since some deciduous trees, such as basswood, have timber that is softer than some coniferous trees, such as yellow pine.
荷蘭語....Hout afkomstig van loofbomen. Onderscheidt zich van 'naaldhout' dat afkomstig is van naaldbomen
西班牙語....Madera producida por árboles de hojas anchas. Diferente a las "maderas blandas" producidas por árboles con hojas en forma de agujas.
硬木材............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 朗文當代大辭典 795
................. 藝術名詞與技法辭典 213
................. 國家教育研究院-雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 May 10, 2012
................. 建築學英漢辭典 189
hardwood............ [VP]
................. Elias, Complete Trees of North America (1980) 165
................. National Museum of American Art, Media Thesaurus (1980s) 
................. Schiffer, Woods We Live With (1977) 11
................. Watson, History of Furniture (1976) 
................. Avery Index (1963-) (source AAT)
hardwoods............ [VP]
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) 
................. RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) 
................. Stein, Construction Glossary (1980) 
hardhout............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
bois de feuillu............ [VP]
................. CHIN database 
bois dur............ [CHIN]
................. CHIN database 
bois franc............ [CHIN]
................. CHIN database 
madera dura............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Malgorn, Diccionario Técnico (1996) 343
madera noble............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Diccionario de términos científicos y técnicos (1981) 2442
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) Angiosperms
................. RIBA, Architectural Keywords (1982) Timber: hardwoods
................. CHIN database 
................. Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) 
[硬木材 hardwood(編號300011916)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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