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內容專家審核:王梅霞(TV) 編號:300438772 詞彙類型:概念
阿美族 Amis
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範圍註 :
Cultures and styles of the Amis people lived in Taiwan. The Amis people refer to themselves in two ways: Pangcah meaning “we people” is used in regions north of Taitung, and Amis meaning “northerners” is used in the south. The denomination has to do with routes of migration and interaction among tribes. The Chinese term came to adapt Amis. The Amis territory stretches from the Qilai plain to the Hengchun peninsula, where the Amis people develop an agrarian culture intricately rooted in the low lands of Taiwan’s eastern valley and coastal plains. The Amis has the largest population of aboriginals in Taiwan. There are three subcategories of the Amis people based on geographical and cultural-linguistic differences: The Northern group of “Nanshi” Amis, the Middle group of “Xiuguluan” Amis and coastal Amis, and the Southern group of “Falangaw” Amis and Hengchun Amis. The property inheritance of the Amis is matrilineal and traditional matrimony follows the rule of mikadafo which marries Amis men into the brides’ homes. The Amis tribe is co-governed by clan chiefs, who assign responsibilities and tasks to male members of different age classes. The Harvest Festival, known as Malalikid, is the most important celebration which unifies traditional beliefs, social structure and tribal identity.
居住於臺灣的阿美族族群所屬文化風格。阿美族自稱有二:臺東以北稱Pangcah,係指「我們這群人」;南方以Amis為名,指「北方人」,與遷徙路線、族群互動關係有關,後轉譯為「阿美族」。原鄉北起奇萊平原,南迄恆春半島,於縱谷與海岸等低地發展出精巧的水域與農作文化,為原住民族人口最多者。 基於地域、語言、文化慣習略分為三群,北群:南勢阿美;中群:秀姑巒阿美、海岸阿美;南群:卑南(馬蘭)阿美與恆春阿美。1970年代後移住西臺灣都會區形成獨特的都市原住民文化風貌。 過去遵行mikadafo(從妻居)原則,財產繼承採母系為準;部落則由長老共議,指派青壯年男子按年齡分組,執行專任事務。「豐年祭」(Malalikid)則為當代族群再現其傳統信仰、社會結構和社會認同的最重要場域。
詞彙 :
a mei tsu(P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
ā měi zú(P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
a mei zu(P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: F.FL

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其他範圍註 :
阿美族............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 臺灣阿美族之社會組織及其變化:從招贅婚到嫁娶婚 (2007) 
................. 阿美族親屬制度的再探討:以胆曼村落為例 (1987) 
................. 異族觀、地域性差別與歷史:阿美族研究論文集 (2005) 
................. 臺東縣史阿美族篇 (2001) 
................. 移民、返鄉與傳統祭典-北臺灣都市阿美族原住民的豐年祭儀參與及文化認同 (2007) 
................. 臺灣大學人類學研究所碩士論文 (2011) 
................. 番族慣習調查報告書-第二卷(阿美族/卑南族) (1915) 
................. 蕃族調查報告書-第一冊阿美族(南勢群/馬蘭社) (1913) 
................. 蕃族調查報告書-第二冊阿美族(奇密社、太巴塱社、馬太鞍社、海岸蕃) (1914) 
Amis............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 台灣的原住民阿美族(2001) 
................. 阿美族傳統文化(1998) 
................. 臺灣阿美族之社會組織及其變化:從招贅婚到嫁娶婚 (2007) 
................. 異族觀、地域性差別與歷史:阿美族研究論文集 (2005) 
................. 阿美族 (2008) 
................. 番族慣習調查報告書-第二卷(阿美族/卑南族) (1915) 
................. 由儀式到節慶:阿美族豐年祭的變遷 (1995) 
................. 從歲時祭儀看宜灣阿美族傳統社會組織的互補性與階序性 (1989) 
................. 南勢阿美族的部落組織。中央研究院民族學研究所集刊。第 4期,頁135-169。1957。 
................. 從祭儀到劇場、文創與文化資產:國家轉變中的噶瑪蘭族與北部阿美之性別與巫信仰 (2014) 
Pangcah............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 臺灣阿美族之社會組織及其變化:從招贅婚到嫁娶婚 (2007) 
................. 阿美族親屬制度的再探討:以胆曼村落為例 (1987) 
................. 異族觀、地域性差別與歷史:阿美族研究論文集 (2005) 
................. 阿美族 (2008) 
................. 臺東縣史阿美族篇 (2001) 
................. 移民、返鄉與傳統祭典-北臺灣都市阿美族原住民的豐年祭儀參與及文化認同 (2007) 
................. 臺灣大學人類學研究所碩士論文 (2011) 
[阿美族 Amis(編號300438772)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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