Palamal is a Sakizaya ritual that worships the Sakizaya ancestors and commemorates the historical trauma of Takubuwan Incident. In 1878, under the aegis of the policy of “opening up the mountains and civilizing the savages,” the Qing army entered eastern Taiwan and waged battles with the Sakizaya and Kavalan peoples who then dominated the Qilai plain in Hualien. During the invasion the Sakizaya chief Komod Pazik and his wife Icep Kanasaw were tortured to death and the Sakizaya people was set into a diaspora.
In 2006, the Sakizaya people held a memorial ceremony at what used to be the site of Takubuwan tribe in Hualien city. “Fire,” as the ceremony pamphlet describes, “brought down the people, but also lit up the way out for the refugees.” The memorial thus held fire as its central theme and consecrated the chief and his wife as the lord and lady of fire who are the national heroes of Sakizaya.
火神祭是撒奇萊雅人透過儀式呈現祭祖的傳統精神與對於Takubuwan事件傷痛歷史的追憶,具有延續過去祭儀並延伸歷史記憶的雙重價值。1878年清軍因「開山撫番」進入東臺灣,與花蓮奇萊平原強勢的撒奇萊雅族、噶瑪蘭族發生戰事。事件後撒奇萊雅族領袖Komod Pazik偕妻Icep Kanasaw受凌遲而死,族人則流徙受難。
2006年撒奇萊雅人於花蓮市Takubuwan舊社舉行紀念尋根祭儀,據祭儀手冊所述:「火讓族群滅亡,卻也照耀了逃難族人的路徑,使得族人能夠絕處逢生」,因此以「火」作為主題,Komod Pazik與妻子成為民族英雄的「火神」、「火神太」,並奉祀所有犧牲性命的先祖。
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[火神祭 Palamal(編號300438762)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。