英文.... | Internationally redeemable checks purchasable from a bank, express company, or travel agency, in various denominations, valid only with the holder's own endorsement against his/her original signature. |
荷蘭語.... | Cheques die overal ter wereld inwisselbaar zijn; ze zijn te verkrijgen bij banken, expeditiebedrijven of reisbureaus en komen in verschillende coupures voor. Reischeques zijn alleen geldig als ze voorzien zijn van een bevestiging van de bezitter met zijn of haar handtekening erbij. |
西班牙語.... | Cheques canjeables internacionalmente, comprables en un banco, servicios financieros o agencia de viaje, en varias denominaciones, válidos sólo con el endoso del titular contra su firma original. |
旅行支票............ | [AS-Academia Sinica] |
................. | 朗文當代大辭典 1874 |
................. | 牛津當代大辭典 1942 |
travelers' checks............ | [VP] |
................. | American Heritage Dictionary (1969) |
................. | Strasberg, Glossary of Record Types (1974) |
................. | Munn, Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance (1983) |
................. | CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) Revised LCSH listed in Cataloging Service Bulletin no. 73 (Summer 1996) at p. 49 |
traveler's check............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
checks, travelers'............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
travellers' cheques............ | [VP] |
................. | Rickards, Collecting Printed Ephemera (1988) IND |
................. | Oxford English Dictionary (1989) Text search retrieved 7 references |
traveller's cheque............ | [VP] |
................. | Getty Vocabulary Program rules |
reischeques............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
reischeque............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | AAT-Ned (1994-) |
cheques de viaje............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | Comité, Plural del término en singular |
cheque de viaje............ | [CDBP-DIBAM] |
................. | Tamames y Gallego, Diccionario de Economía y Finanzas (1996) 128 |
Subject:............ | [Bureau AAT] |
................. | Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) |