distinguished from.... | 聖體容器(儀式容器) |
contextual thing(s) are.... | 聖體顯供座 |
distinguished from.... | 聖物聖體匣 |
英文.... | Christian liturgical vessels in which the Host (the bread consecrated in the Eucharist) may be displayed through an opening or through a transparent material; used either on an altar or in processions. It is usually made of gold or silver and is often decorated with precious stones. From the Baroque period onwards the Host is typically surrounded by a sunburst design. Modern usage has limited the meaning to vessels intended for the exposition of the Host; however the term was originally applied to all kinds of vessels of goldsmith's or silversmith's work in which glass or crystal were used to allow the contents to be readily visible, whether the contents were the Host, a relic of a saint, or another object. Distinguished from "pyxes," which are vessels used to hold the reserved Host on the altar or to carry the Eucharist to the sick. |
荷蘭語.... | Houders waarin de geconsacreerde hostie wordt uitgestald op een altaar of tijdens een processie. In de regel (deels) van edelmetaal en op voet met stam. Te onderscheiden van 'pyxides'; dit zijn houders zonder stam gebruikt voor de grote hostie op het altaar of om de geconsacreerde hosties naar de zieken buiten de kerk te dragen. |
.... | Vaso per l'esposizione del Sacramento. Realizzato prevalentemente in materiali preziosi, è costituito da una teca trasparente con una lunetta (lunetta di ostensorio) o con due dischi di vetro per sostenere l'ostia (teca-lunetta), durante l'ostensione, al centro di una montatura generalmente elaborata, posta su di un piede e sormontata da una crocetta. |
西班牙語.... | Úsese para vasijas litúrgicas cristianas en las cuales la hostia consagrada puede mostrarse, ya sea en un altar o en una procesión. Diferente de "píxide", que son vasijas para guardar las hostias consagradas en el altar o para llevar la eucaristía a los enfermos. |