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內容專家審核:徐明景 編號:300056133 詞彙類型:概念
冷色(色彩類型) cool colors
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範圍註 :
詞彙 :
冷色(色彩類型) (P,,U,繁體中文-偏好,D,,)
leng se(P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
lěng sè (P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
leng se(P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
cool colors(P,,U,美式英語-偏好,D,U,U)
cool color(,U,美式英語-非偏好,AD,U,U)
colors, cool(,U,美式英語-非偏好,UF,U,U)
cool colours(P,,U,British English-偏好,D,U,U)
cool colour(,U,British English-非偏好,AD,U,U)
colours, cool(,U,British English-非偏好,UF,U,U)
koele kleuren(P,,U,荷蘭語-偏好,D,U,U)
koele kleur(,U,荷蘭語-非偏好,AD,U,U)
fríos(colores) (P,,U,西班牙語-偏好,D,U,PN)
frío(color) (,U,西班牙語-非偏好,AD,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: D.DL
其他範圍註 :
英文....Colors commonly associated with air, sky, and water, such as green, greenish blue, and violet, which suggest coolness and which normally appear to recede. The optical tendency for warm colors to advance before cool colors had been long exploited by European and Oriental painters as a method of suggesting spatial depth.
荷蘭語....Kleuren die meestal worden geassocieerd met lucht of water, bijvoorbeeld groen, groenblauw en violet, die een koele indruk geven en doorgaans lijken terug te wijken. Het optische verschijnsel waarbij warme kleuren meer op de voorgrond lijken te treden dan koele kleuren, wordt van oudsher door Europese en oosterse schilders benut om een ruimtelijk effect en diepte te suggereren.
西班牙語....Colores comúnmente asociados con aire, cielo y agua, tales como verde, azul verdoso, y violeta, que insinúan frialdad u que normalmente parece alejarse.
冷色(色彩類型)............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 英漢藝術詞典 p. 88
寒色............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 藝術名詞與技法辭典 p. 114
................. 輔仁服飾辭典 p. 176
................. 大英視覺藝術百科全書 Vol. 9,pp. 176
................. 色彩原論 p. 185
cool colors............ [VP]
................. Pierce, From Abacus to Zeus (1987) 25
................. Ocvirk et al., Art Fundamentals (1981) 92
................. Mayer, Dictionary of Art Terms and Techniques (1969) 93
cool color............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
colors, cool............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
cool colours............ [VP]
................. Oxford Companion to Art (1984) 258
................. Oxford English Dictionary (1989) 
cool colour............ [VP]
................. Lucie-Smith, Thames & Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms (1986) 58
colours, cool............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
koele kleuren............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
koele kleur............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
fríos(colores)............ [VP]
................. TAA database (2000-) 
frío(color)............ [VP]
................. Sanz y Gallego, Diccionario Akal del Color (2001) 402
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. Bureau AAT, RKD 
[冷色(色彩類型) cool colors(編號300056133)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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