locational context/setting is.... | 展演藝術中心 |
practitioner(s)/student(s) are.... | 表演藝術從業者 |
distinguished from.... | 表演藝術(以時間為基礎的視覺藝術作品) |
英文.... | Arts that depend upon performances given by actors, musicians, poets, etc., and/or by public participation. Examples include ballet, other dance, singing, playing musical instruments, theater, cinema, television, pageants, circus, etc., which are presented to the attention of observers through the live or recorded actions of the artists. |
荷蘭語.... | Kunstvormen die aan de aandacht van waarnemers worden gepresenteerd door middel van rechtstreekse of opgenomen handelingen van de kunstenaars, zoals dansen, acteren, of het uitvoeren van muziek. |
西班牙語.... | Artes que son presentadas a la atención de observadores a través de acciones en vivo o grabadas de los artistas, tales como danza, actuación o la interpretación musical. |