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狀態:NP(TV) 編號:300028499 詞彙類型:概念
藍色沖印(機印副本) blueprints(reprographic copies)
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範圍註 :
詞彙 :
藍色沖印(機印副本) (P,,U,繁體中文-偏好,U,U)
藍圖(機印副本) (,U,繁體中文-非偏好,UF,U,U)
lan se ch'ung yin (P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
lán sè chōng yìn (P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
lan se chong yin (P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
blueprints(reprographic copies) (P,,U,英文-偏好,D,U,PN)
blueprint(reprographic copy) (,U,英文-非偏好,AD,U,SN)
bleu(bluepring) (,U,英文-非偏好,AD,U,B)
blue prints(reprographic copies) (,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
blue-prints(reprographic copies) (,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
blue process prints(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
iron process prints(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
prints, blue process(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
prints, iron process(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
prints, white line(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
white line prints(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,N)
ozalid(blueprint) (,U,法語-非偏好,UF,U,B)
cianografia(blueprints) (,U,Italian-非偏好,AD,U,SN)
cianotipo(blueprints) (,U,西班牙語-非偏好,AD,U,SN)
copia cianográfica(,U,西班牙語-非偏好,UF,U,SN)
copia al ferroprusiato(,U,西班牙語-非偏好,UF,U,SN)
copia azul(,U,西班牙語-非偏好,UF,U,SN)
層面/層級編碼: V.VW

............資訊形式 (層級名)
................<資訊形式 (先導詞)>
................................藍色沖印 (機印副本)
meaning/usage overlaps with....氰版印相(相片)
其他範圍註 :
英文....Reproductive prints of architectural plans, maps, mechanical drawings, and other technical drawings, characterized by having white images on blue backgrounds and produced by the blueprint process. For blue images on white backgrounds, use "blueline prints." For blue-toned photographs produced by the blueprint process, use "cyanotypes."
荷蘭語....Gebruikt voor reproductieve afdrukken van architectonische en andere technische tekeningen met witte afbeeldingen op een blauwe achtergrond, die zijn geproduceerd door middel van het blauwdrukprocédé. Voor blauwe afbeeldingen op een witte achtergrond wordt 'blauwlijnfilm-afdrukken' gebruikt. Voor blauw gekleurde foto's die zijn geproduceerd door middel van het blauwdrukprocédé wordt 'cyanotypieën' gebruikt.
西班牙語....Úsese para reproducciones de dibujos arquitectónicos y de otros dibujos técnicos que tienen imágenes blancas en fondos azules, hechas con el proceso de cianotipo. Para imágenes azules en fondos blancos, use "impresión de copia azul." Para fotografías de tonos azules producidas por el proceso de cianotipo, use "cianotipo (obra visual)".
藍色沖印(機印副本)............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. AAT-Taiwan 借詞編輯與使用原則 (2013) 
藍圖(機印副本)............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 朗文當代大辭典 171
................. 國家教育研究院-雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 August 31, 2011
................. 智慧藏百科全書網 September 11, 2009
................. 大英百科全書線上繁體中文版 August 31, 2011
blueprints(reprographic copies)............ [VP]
................. Hickerson and Engst, Terms for use in Field 655 (1984) 
................. Thompson, American Historical and Literary Manuscript Terms (1965) 
................. Zinkham and Parker, Descriptive Terms for Graphic Materials (1986) 
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) 
................. Harrod's Librarians' Glossary (1984) 87
................. McFadden, Glossary of Terms (1981) 
................. Avery Index (1963-) 
................. BHA Subject Headings (1985-) 
................. AATA database (1995-) 121111 checked 26 January 2012
blueprint(reprographic copy)............ [VP]
................. Chenhall, Revised Nomenclature (1988) 
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
bleu(bluepring)............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
blue prints(reprographic copies)............ [VP]
................. Avery Index (1963-) 
blue-prints(reprographic copies)............ [VP]
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) 
................. Avery Index (1963-) 
blue process prints............ [VP]
................. McFadden, Glossary of Terms (1981) 
iron process prints............ [VP]
................. Muller, Reading Architectural Working Drawings (1981) 20
prints, blue process............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
prints, iron process............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
prints, white line............ [VP]
................. Getty Vocabulary Program rules 
white line prints............ [VP]
................. Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961) 
Blaupause............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
blauwdrukken............ [Bureau AAT]
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
blauwdruk............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
ozalid(blueprint)............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
cianografia(blueprints)............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
bløtryck............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
bløkopia............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
cianotipos............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Comité, Plural del término en singular 
cianotipo(blueprints)............ [VP]
................. Diccionario Enciclopédico Ilustrado Sopena (1981) 1:1397
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
copia cianográfica............ [VP]
................. IFLA Glossary for Art Librarians (1984) 
copia al ferroprusiato............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Clason, Dictionary of Library Science, information and documentation in six languages (1976) 
copia azul............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Clason, Dictionary of Library Science, information and documentation in six languages (1976) 
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) Cyanotype
................. AATA database (1995-) 121111 checked 26 January 2012
................. Van Dale groot woordenboek (1994) 
[藍色沖印(機印副本) blueprints(reprographic copies)(編號300028499)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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