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狀態:NP(TV) 編號:300021693 詞彙類型:概念
奧斯曼三世 Osman III
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範圍註 :
用來表示西元 1754 年至 1757 年間,與奧斯曼三世統治時期有關的藝術與建築。奧斯曼三世在其兄長馬哈穆德一世過世後,繼續完成奴魯歐斯曼清真寺(Nuruosmaniye mosque)的營建工程。此外,在此一時期,奧斯曼三世亦於托普卡匹(Topkapi)為自己建造一座俯瞰伯斯普魯斯海峽(Bosphorus)的小型木造製涼亭。
詞彙 :
ao ssu man san shih(P,,U,韋氏拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
ào sī màn sān shì(P,,U,漢語拼音-偏好,UF,U,U)
ao si man san shi(P,,U,漢語拼音(無聲調)-偏好,UF,U,U)
Osman III(P,,U,英文-偏好,D,U,A)
Osman III(P,,U,荷蘭語-偏好,D,U,U)
Uthman III(,U,英文-非偏好,UF,U,U)
Osmán III(P,,U,西班牙語-偏好,D,U,U)
層面/層級編碼: F.FL
其他範圍註 :
英文....Refers to the art and architecture that coincided with the rule of Osman III, who ruled from 1754 to 1757. He completed the construction of the Nuruosmaniye mosque after the death of his brother, Mahmud I. Also during this period, the sultan had a small wooden kiosk built for himself at Topkapi over looking the Bosphorus.
荷蘭語....Verwijst naar de kunst en architectuur in de periode van de heerschappij van Osman III, die regeerde van 1754 tot 1757. Hij voltooide de bouw van de Nuruosmaniye-moskee na de dood van zijn broer, Mahmoed I. Ook liet de sultan tijdens deze periode een kleine houten kiosk voor zichzelf bouwen bij Topkapi met zicht op de Bosporus.
奧斯曼三世............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. AAT-Taiwan 借詞編輯與使用原則 (2013) 
................. 有道youdao詞典 May 17, 2015
Osman III............ [VP]
................. Atil, Turkish Art (1980) 374
................. Goodwin, History of Ottoman Architecture (1971) 11
................. Levey, World of Ottoman Art (1975) 147
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
Uthman III............ [VP]
................. Bosworth, Islamic Dynasties (1980) 137
Osmán III............ [CDBP-DIBAM]
................. Pinto, Historia de las grandes Civilizaciones (1984) III:141
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (1990) 
[奧斯曼三世 Osman III(編號300021693)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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