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狀態:NP(TV) 編號:300018478 詞彙類型:概念
清 Qing
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英文....Refers to the style and period associated with the reign of the Quing dynasty, dating from 1644 to 1911. Beijing remained the Chinese capital and was embellished with large scale, brightly colored buildings in brick and stone. In ceramics, contrasting styles of elaborate, opaque overglaze wares and monochrome wares were developed. In painting, an official academy was established, continuing the traditional landscape style of the Four Wangs.
荷蘭語....Verwijst naar de stijl en periode die in verband worden gebracht met de heerschappij van de Qing-dynastie, van 1644 tot 1911. Peking bleef de Chinese hoofdstad en werd verfraaid met grootschalige, fel gekleurde gebouwen in baksteen en steen. Voor keramiek werden contrasterende stijlen van fijn afgewerkte, opake opgeglazuurde objecten en monochrome objecten ontwikkeld. Voor de schilderkunst werd een officiële academie opgericht, waar de traditionele landschapsstijl van de vier Wangs werd voortgezet.
清............ [AS-Academia Sinica]
................. 中國文物語匯 195
................. 國立故宮博物院網站(英文版) February 23, 2012
清朝............ [VP-intern]
................. 故宮後設資料需求規格書 42
................. 漢英文物考古詞匯 387
Qing............ [VP]
................. Beurdeley, Connoisseur's Guide to Chinese Ceramics (1974) 216
................. Lee, History of Far Eastern Art (1982) 13
................. Vandier-Nicolas, Chinese Painting (1983) 255
................. Grove Dictionary of Art online (1999-2002) "Qing" Accessed 12/05/00.
................. Avery Index (1963-) (source AAT) - subhead.
................. Tregear, El Arte Chino (1991) 11
................. Pinto, Historia de las grandes Civilizaciones (1984) IV:175
................. AATA database (1995-) 127908 checked 26 January 2012
................. AAT-Ned (1994-) 
Ch'ing............ [VP]
................. Medley, Chinese Potter (1980) 278
Manchu............ [VP]
................. Lee, History of Far Eastern Art (1982) 538
................. Sullivan, Arts of China (1973) 10
................. Avery Index (1963-) 
................. Candidate term Candidate lead-in term--Avery--7/87
Subject:............ [Bureau AAT]
................. CDMARC Subjects: LCSH (1988-) China--History--Ch'ing dynasty 1644-1912
................. AATA database (1995-) 127908 checked 26 January 2012
................. Kunstschatten uit China (1982) 
[清 Qing(編號300018478)]。《藝術與建築索引典》。瀏覽)。

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