derived from.... | 禾木膠科(科) |
英文.... | A red or yellow resin obtained from the base of Tasmanian and Australian grass trees of the Xanthorrhoea family; different species produce different colors of resin. The resins are chemically similar to balsams and contain some cinnamic acid; they produce hard, insoluble films. They are used for varnishes, metal lacquers, surface finishes for leather and paper, substitutes for rosin, sealing waxes, and inks. Treatment with sulfuric acid produces a lightfast brown-black dye. |
荷蘭語.... | Een gomhars die wordt verkregen uit de voet van de bladeren die in bosjes uit de stam groeien van verscheidene soorten Xanthorrhoea-bomen in Australië en Tasmanië. |
西班牙語.... | Una resina gomasa de la base de las hojas del penacho del tronco de diferentes especies de árboles Xanthorrhoea de Australia y Tasmania. |